Long Live RSS
December 5th, 2024
I got the blog to work again. This time I managed to learn how to do rss feeds properly. I wanna thank Alli from innerspiral.lol for helping me figure out RSS feeds.

For some reason I was trying way too hard and for some reason I had this mindset that RSS was some kind of automatic process that read the tags, but no it as the name implies, its a Really Simple Syndication and its just a file you update each time.

Been on the internet a long time but I guess that never clicked with me until I read the article she linked. It's this one here called Reclaiming RSS on Aral Balkan's blog.

I've been passionate about rss feeds for a while now as I think its a great way to follow creators without the influence of The Algorithm (TM). A common sentiment I see around some parts is that google killed their popular Google Reader because RSS feeds arent as lucrative as their algorithm derived business model that was brewing.

Just like libraries if RSS feeds were proposed today, especially to some of these tech companies they'd call you crazy at best and try to sabotage you at worst.

But yeah, look forward to some goodness in the future, in the meanwhile, here's some resources on rss feeds: