February 3rd, 2024
I thought I'd post some random things. This blog doesn't have a theme and sometimes I will just braindump like this. Here we go.
As I'm someone with a website, it comes as no surprise that a lot of things of yesteryear i find quite nostalgic or just nice. One such thing being mp3 players with my recent fasacination being the ipod.
Like many I became fascinated with them after a series of videos by the youtuber Dankpods. I never had an ipod growing up, my family couldn't afford it. I hat a Creative Zen V that my dad got me from his trip to Sweden.
At any rate, I found a cool project that I think is just kind of neat.

Tangara (you can find the crowdsupply page for it here. It's an mp3 player that's like an ipod, but its made using an ESP32 and has bluetooth, usb-c, wifi, sd card support and is customizable. It plays flac files and has a nice DAC. It's like the ultimate ipod, people spend a lot of time and money to get their classic ipods to match this. I own an ipod classic 5th gen and I love it to bits, but the use of the propietary cable is mildly inconvinient and this just seems better than an ipod in most ways. It's 249$ and the campaign on crowdsupply ends next month. I'm tempted but I wonder if I really need it. Just thought I'd share it.
Yesterday I found this cool site called Goatlings.com. It's like Neopets but with goats. Has a very classic Neopets feel and I think it's kinda cute. Not sure if I will play it often but I might. Here's my goat Baphoma. Yes I named her after Baphomet, why wouldn't I, haha.

Currently trying to get enough points to change her appearance into something cool
The third thing
I've been trying to eat, not per say healthier but more intentionally. My theme for this year or at least a good chunk of it is intentionality. I wanna cook more and buy more specific ingredients that will last me instead of always just eating out.
this goes hand in hand with what I talked about in my last post about how I'm trying to be more frugal.
Made some decent progress, been learning to bake bread in my air fryer and using my smoothie mixer to make smoothies for breakfast. I also eat a lot of oatmeal. People seriously undervalue how long a bag of oatmeal stretches given its low price. I bought a bag two weeks ago and been eating a lot of it and still got some left.
These are my thoughts right now. Till next time.