The Library

I do read a lot but I rarely finish books, as i lack the focus to do so but I do try, here's a record of what I've finished in recent years

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
The Time Machine by H.G Wells

The Mothman Prophecies by John A. Keel

UR by Stephen King
Into the Pit by Scott Cawthon
The Library Policeman by Stephen King
On the shortness of life by Seneca
The Stranger by Albert Camus

Mánasteinn - Drengurinn sem aldrei var til by Sjón
Konan við 1000° by Hallgrímur Helgasson
From Wildthyme with Love by Paul Magrs
Coraline by Neil Gaiman
1922 by Stephen King

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino